Sale!The Ploutus-D works on the Diebold Nixdorf and NCR ATMs world wide with big wall ATMs and the small ones.
Sale!EMV Shimmer is a device that`s placed inside the ATM or POS. EMV Shimmer intercept communications between the chip card and the chip card reader ATM or POS. Skimmer allow receive + PIN + EMV Chip data (iCVC) and create new ready card with pin.
This KIT Contains GSM Data Receiver + Large Distance Antenna – This antenna allow receive data and connect to ATM with distance up to 300 Meters. This is upgraded and modified WiFi antenna that perfectly fits GSM Data Receiver
This is most Advanced GSM data receiver. It receives credit card / Debit Card data from ATM and POS terminals. Small size 10×10 Centimeters, with one charging it can work up to 24 hours and the manufactured memory can capture about 27000 credit card / Debit Card data, with antenna it can take data in radius of 100 meters. Without antenna 10 meters. Device can work from (-25 to +45 degrees). Dust resistant & Water Proof.